
Why Your Captive Insurance Company Board Needs To Be Actuarially Sound

July 27, 2020

In today's environment, it's imperative that a captive insurance company board, or at least a number of board members, be actuarially sound. Take a look at what captive board members should know about actuarial analysis and why as well as actuarial terms board members should understand. Read More

"The Song Remains the Same" (The Peril of Ignoring Investment Risk)

June 16, 2020

Individuals and companies are often too quick to forget about investment risk, or assume the risk probability of the event is too small to happen. Real-life examples also illustrate that there will always be investors reaching for yield, especially in low-interest-rate environments, and when they should beware. Read More

How Numerate Is Your Board? The Case for Captive Board Numeracy

June 3, 2020

What is "numeracy," and why is it an important attribute for captive board members to have? This article examines numeracy, innumeracy, and relevant examples-with a specific look at insurance. Read More

Understanding Artificial Intelligence and Asset Management

May 27, 2020

As in other areas of the captive insurance world, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly important component of the asset manager's tool kit. This article provides a brief primer on AI and asset management by way of a discussion with Alton Cogert of Strategic Asset Alliance. Read More

Why Underwriting Discipline Is Critical for Captives

April 29, 2020

The current insurance climate makes it imperative that captive insurers practice some type of underwriting discipline. This article lays out the reasons for maintaining an underwriting profit and what it takes to do so. Read More

Artificial Intelligence, Predictive Modeling, and Risk Management

April 17, 2020

The ability to make educated guesses about the future has been enhanced over the last decade by the growth in artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive modeling. AI and predictive modeling could have applications for captive insurance. Read More

OECD Recognizes the Legitimacy of Captive Insurance

March 4, 2020

The captive chapter in a new Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report discusses the numerous business (nontax) reasons why a multinational enterprise group might use a captive insurance company to manage risks within the group while setting out indicators for genuine insurance business. Read More

Everyone Quits, and It's OK

February 24, 2020

We focus a lot on the importance of retaining top employees. It reduces cost, increases productivity, builds trust and camaraderie-and the list goes on. However, we rarely discuss the elephant in the room: everyone eventually quits, even your best employee. Read More