Essential Captive and Risk Financing References
Expand your professional expertise with these authoritative titles from the leading content provider for insurance and risk management, International Risk Management Institute, Inc. (IRMI). For more details, schedule a consultation with IRMI.
Captive Insurance Company Reports
This must-read periodical for leading captive practitioners will keep you current on developments and trends in the alternative risk transfer market. Discover best practices for optimizing captive performance and educate yourself on diverse topics such as fronting and reinsurance, collateral pressures and options, tax, legal matters and claims, domicile challenges and issues, regulatory developments, actuarial and accounting topics, corporate governance, captive management practices, and investments.
Captives and the Management of Risk
Breaks down the complex topic of captives to give you a solid understanding of what captive insurance is and why it is used in the risk management process. Explore the types of risk that can be handled by captives, why captives can be effective as a risk management tool, tax and accounting considerations, how to determine if a captive is feasible, how to choose a domicile, and how to effectively manage and operate a captive.
Captive Practices and Procedures
Learn what it takes to establish a successful captive insurance company and follow step-by-step instructions to make sure your captive is built to last. Discover which type of captives survived the last few years, the new types of captive programs that have been developed since the last hard market, and how the increased focus on board responsibilities for corporate governance and transparency has impacted captives.
Risk Financing
Trusted by many of the Top Fortune 1000 Risk Managers, this easy-to-use-and-understand reference clarifies the various funding options for your organization’s risks. Includes comprehensive explanations of reinsurance, alternative markets, and tax and accounting implications of various risk financing mechanisms. Also an excellent resource for state-specific regulations.