In this podcast episode, Prabal Lakhanpal, senior vice president, Spring Consulting Group, explains the basics of captive insurance and why a captive may be the right solution for you or your client. Don't miss out on one of the most popular episodes to date in IRMI Podcast.

Captives 101
New to the captive industry? Considering forming your own captive? Recently heard of the captive concept but don’t know where to start?
You’ve come to the right place. We have free, unbiased educational content essential to guiding you on your journey.

Captive 101 Learning Series
OK. So, you’ve come to the right place to learn everything you need to know about captives. But, where to begin? If you’re not sure, start here. This learning series will equip you with a solid foundational understanding of the primary benefits and functions of captives.

Captives and the Management of Risk
Ever wondered about captive insurance and why it's a game-changer in risk management? Captives and the Management of Risk breaks it down for you, covering everything from types of risks handled to tax considerations, making it a must-have for anyone looking to understand, assess, and effectively manage their risks.

The History of Captives
What is the origin of captive insurance, and how did the industry get to where it is today? Our timeline reflects the important events that shaped and influenced the development of captive insurance. Follow the history, personalities, regulations, domiciles, and publications that have led to this unique yet integral part of the global insurance landscape.

Captives as Risk Retention Mechanisms
Unlock the world of "cost of risk" (COR) with our course, Captives as Risk Retention Mechanisms. Learn how captives cut costs, discover the various captive types, and get insights into essential functions, tax, and accounting tricks. Your key to mastering the art of cost reduction in captive insurance!