Professional Development

Common Blind Spots When Hiring New Employees

February 5, 2018

You may not realize that your hiring managers have blind spots when hiring new employees for job openings. It is important to identify these blind spots, though, because a hiring decision based on subjective opinion could set your company back and prove costly. Read More

ICCIE Updates: ICCIE Awards a New Fellow and Announces 18 Designees

January 23, 2018

The International Center for Captive Insurance Education ICCIE ended 2017 with a bang as it awarded the ICCIE Fellow designation to Lesley Thompson from MaplesFS Limited and also announced that 18 individuals received the ICCIE Associate in Captive Insurance or Certificate in Captive Insurance professional designations. Read More

Five of the World's Risk Management Associations To Coordinate CPD Points

October 20, 2017

Five of the world's largest risk management associations have agreed to work together toward a recognition of their respective risk management designations/certification programs. The organizations are ALARYS (Latin America), FERMA (Europe), IRMSA (South Africa), PARIMA (Asia) and RIMS (North America). Read More

First Student-Run Captive Insurance Company Launched in Bermuda

April 26, 2017

An American university has chosen Bermuda as the domicile for the first known student-run captive insurance company. This small captive insurer was launched by students enrolled in the Davey Risk Management and Insurance Program at Butler University's Lacy School of Business. Read More