Hugh Rosenbaum is known for his definitive "History of Captives," his articles in Captive Insurance Company Reports (CICR) and Captive Review, and his "Hugh's Views." He was awarded the first Distinguished Service Award from Captive Insurance Companies Association and is an honorary member of Vermont Captive Insurance Association. He is active in European domiciles and is still consulting to captive boards and owners. Mr. Rosenbaum also is a frequent panelist at captive conferences. He is best known for his efforts to demonstrate to finance directors, tax courts, and skeptical journalists the value added by captive insurance companies.
Mr. Rosenbaum founded CICR in October 1977, wrote the Generally Accepted Captive Standards, and created the Captive Directory, now owned by A.M. Best. He has been elected to the European Risk Management Hall of Fame and made an honorary member of the French Circle of Risk Management Associates.
He is a frequent speaker on captive insurance at conferences in the United States and in Europe. He also coauthored the update of "The European Captive Scene," originally written by Paul Bawcutt in 2001.
In 1999, he retired as a Towers Watson principal and as the editor of CICR. He lives in London and can be reached at [email protected].