Exclusive Insights: The 39th Annual VCIA Conference

A packed audience sitting in chairs and listening to a panel of speakers in a large conference room.

June 11, 2024 |

A packed audience sitting in chairs and listening to a panel of speakers in a large conference room.

In this interview, we delve into the 39th Annual Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA) Conference with Kevin Mead, president of VCIA. As the head of one of the largest captive gatherings in America, Kevin shares insights into the upcoming event, its significance for the captive industry, and the role of Vermont as a leading domicile.

Photo of Kevin Mead

Can you elaborate on the key highlights of the 39th Annual VCIA Conference, particularly the changes made to enhance the attendee experience this year? 

The hallmarks for VCIA's annual conference remain the same—a robust captive insurance educational lineup and a global hub for important captive networking and business development. Our conference slogan is "Where the captive world comes to meet," and there's a proven track record to back that up; each summer, we host America's largest captive insurance gathering, one that is attended by professionals from virtually every US State and many international countries. This year, we've changed the conference schedule to maximize attendee time and enjoyment. For one, the conference runs Monday, August 12, through Wednesday, August 14. The golf tournament kicks off Monday morning, and then we have a full slate of conference activities beginning in the early afternoon on Monday at Captive Immersion, now included in the registration fee for all attendees. I encourage everyone to visit our website to find out all the details about schedule changes. Just know, we had you all in mind when we made them!  

With over a thousand captive professionals expected to attend from the United States and around the globe, what are the anticipated benefits and opportunities for both beginners and veterans in the captive industry? 

One comment I frequently hear about our conference is that it's a tremendous return on investment. We work hard to deliver that value to all attendees because we know attending our conference is a major investment in time and resources. So that's why we design the experience to literally suit everyone in captive space—beginners, seasoned experts, captive owners, regulators, other domiciles, you name it. All are invited to our conference! We curate many of our educational sessions to specifically meet the needs of newcomers—that's where you'll find our in-depth course Captives 101, Captive Feasibility and Setup, and our big Captive Immersion workshop. All sessions are thoroughly backed by case studies, and I should mention that most sessions offer professional credit, which is a key driver for many attendees. 

Both the formal network events we host and the many informal ones that occur throughout conference week consistently receive high ratings from attendees. I think it's because we can foster a collegial environment among service providers and captive owners, and we have an enormous exhibit space of 75 vendors who enjoy high-quality engagement with their peers. As we all know, a critical facet to captive insurance and why our industry thrives is relationships. The VCIA Conference puts you in a position to begin fruitful relationships and strengthen existing ones. 

Could you provide insights into the educational sessions offered at the conference, particularly focusing on topics such as cyber and artificial intelligence (AI) risks, creative uses for captives, and evolving regulatory standards? 

VCIA is lucky enough to work with many outstanding and accomplished individuals who make up our conference task force. They put together sessions that tie directly to captive current events. More experienced captive professionals will find sessions on nuclear verdicts, captive program expansion, climate risk, and much more. AI and other emerging aspects of the industry will receive significant treatment at our conference as well, some of which will be through our interactive discussion groups. The best way to get all the details on each session is to visit our website to browse the conference schedule. Lastly, I need to thank the conference coordinators, speakers, and dynamite presenters who are in the thick of the key issues and opportunities being discussed at the conference.

The conference emphasizes networking opportunities with industry leaders, exhibitors, and the Vermont regulatory team. How do these interactions contribute to the growth and development of the captive industry, particularly in Vermont? 

Access is a key feature at the VCIA Conference. As an attendee, you have access to so many important people and organizations who are making the industry thrive. As a captive owner, you will find every kind of service provider who may offer a business solution to your program. So much information sharing occurs at the VCIA Conference, with attendees sharing what works for them, what hasn't, and what they are thinking of doing next. In terms of hearing from primary sources, that's where VCIA can't be beat. The Vermont Department of Financial Regulation is visible throughout the conference conducting meetings and taking any questions you may have. It's not just limited to Vermont: other domiciles have exhibit booths here, and other regulators are right in the middle of the action, because we've earned the industry reputation of the highest quality. 

As Vermont is hailed as the "Gold Standard" of captive expertise, how does the VCIA Conference reinforce this reputation, and what role does it play in maintaining Vermont's position as a leading captive domicile? 

We take our conference preparation very seriously. It's basically an 11-month process for a 3-day event. The conference is a massive collective effort, pulling on the skillset of our staff and board, as well as the dozens of individuals who make up our committees. That work ethic engenders our reputation. Like Vermont as a domicile and its regulators, VCIA pays attention to the details that matter. Our highest priority is customer experience, and we pledge our entire energy and resources to an enjoyable and productive attendee experience, one in which you leave rejuvenated and inspired to advance your captive practice. 

In light of the 20th Anniversary ICCIE Celebration Reception, could you share some reflections on the evolution of captive education and its impact on the industry over the past 2 decades?

ICCIE sets the standard for captive insurance education around the world. With the rapid rate of captive formations, ICCIE becomes more critical by the day. We are grateful to have been involved on the ground floor of ICCIE as a founder, and we have a close partnership to ensure captive professionals receive the education they need. #VCIA2024 celebrates ICCIE's 20th Anniversary on Monday, August 12, at 4:30 p.m., and this simply is a can't-miss event!

Lastly, how do VCIA's lobbying support and educational initiatives contribute to fostering an environment conducive to the growth and health of the captive industry, both in Vermont and beyond?

VCIA retains the brightest legal minds that protect and advance captive interests in Vermont and across the country. We are the only association with both state and federal representation, and we carry a strong 35+ year reputation of doing the captive industry right. Our legislative committee meets regularly to discuss the legislative and regulatory environment and issues of concern for the industry. Members of this committee participate in important legislative discussions, culminating with shaping Vermont's captive bill with the Vermont DFR. This year's bill was just signed into law by Governor Scott, who has nothing but praise for the work we do. Vermont is an important model for other onshore domiciles, and we carry that awareness when we work on legislative matters. 

June 11, 2024